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Music Time w/Mr. Kam & Mr. Carlos!

So you know when you hear a song, say on the radio, or randomly on your shuffle playlist, and it sticks with you throughout the day? You just can't seem to shake that catchy chorus that keeps replaying in your head? Well, our very own Mr. Carlos Perales came up with a creative, fun, and interactive way to get those songs out. Now, every other Wednesday evening you can log onto zoom and listen to us take turns singing songs and jammin' out with some of our Alma Fuerte students. The idea stemmed from his one on one work with the students throughout the school week. He noticed how much the children enjoyed him playing his guitar and singing for them on their one on one zoom sessions. Students would bob their heads and clap their hands in excitement. So, he reached out to me and suggested we make this a recurring thing in order to give our students another outlet for the struggles and challenges they may be facing during this time of the coronavirus.

We are 2 weeks in and the feedback and participation from our students has been great. Our students will log with their instruments in hand, ready to vibe with me and Mr. Carlos. We go back and forth sharing and performing songs for the students. Some of the songs are oldies, and some are goodies. It's good to see our students aren't picky about what we share and what they want to listen to. To make this event more interactive, I like to share the lyrics on the screen in case students want to sing along with us. Last week, we had a couple of students who actually took it a step further. They decided to perform a few songs for us! They did an amazing job showing courage to perform through the screen, with a bunch of unfamiliar faces watching and clapping along. We hope that this can spark a willingness for more students join us in song. We feel that singing songs and music in general is very helpful for children to balance some of the toughness that life throws their way, especially now. Help us out some smiles on our students' faces every other Wednesday! The Zoom information is below, along with a little sneak peak at what goes down during music time!

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 943 7175 0674

Passcode: music



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