Teaching students through Zoom video chats definitely has a learning curve, especially when your students are only 7 years old. However, my students have AMAZED me this week with their ability to adapt to a brand new way of learning. They have shown me so much resilience and hard work this week; I am incredibly proud of them.💗
I am also so appreciative of how involved and resilient my students' parents are. They have been so supportive and on top of everything during this time that has been overwhelming for all of us. Parents, thank you so much for giving your children all of this support with online learning; we couldn't do it without your help! 👏
Here's what we've been learning this week...
This week, we have been focusing mainly on finding the main idea and supporting details within fiction and non-fiction texts. My students have been doing a great job creating their own graphic organizers on blank sheets of paper. (Since not everyone has access to printers, virtual learning requires you to get creative!)
During math time, we've been focusing on representing subtraction word problems with drawings. My students all remembered that they needed to create groups of 5 and circle groups of 10, which was awesome! One of my groups has been working on double and triple digit addition with regrouping (a 2nd grade skill), which we have been practicing as well during our sessions. We have been practicing how to tell time, too! Today, we worked on using greater than, less than, and equal symbols to compare two numbers. We listened to a math song about it, played fun math games, and got lots of practice!
I think Alma Fuerte is doing a fantastic job in our approach to distance learning. I have not seen many schools who provide daily, differentiated live instruction through video calls. What I've mostly been seeing is posted online assignments, printed out work packets, and pre-recorded instructional videos. We've also been meeting with students for one-on-one sessions each week, which is another idea I haven't really seen being implemented. While different approaches to distance are all okay (this is an unprecedented situation that we all were not prepared for), I truly believe our school is doing something incredible.
I love my students so much. 💕
I'm proud to be a teacher at Alma Fuerte! 🏫
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