I. Opening Items
Board Members Present: Sean Markin, Kathy Dominguez, Myra Salinas, Melanie Sauer
Others Present: Anne Lee, Marina Carrasco-Burge
Sean Markin called the meeting to order at 6:06pm. There was no public comment.
Board Retreat Planning and Facilitation – Anne and the Board discussed planning for upcoming Board retreat. Anne stated that she would circulate a poll to gauge members’ availability.
Approval of Food Service Vendor Contracts – Anne provided an overview of the quotes provided by 3 meal providers - Revolution Foods, Unified Nutrimeals and School Nutrition Plus. Anne stated that the School Nutrition Plus contract was the lowest price, and other schools Anne spoke with spoke favorably of the vendor. Sean moved to approve the contract with School Nutrition Plus; Kathy seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously, with Hazim abstaining.
The Board also discussed a proposed contract with MealTime for third-party payment processing and data tracking of meal program. Board members stated that they were interested in receiving additional information about the service. Anne stated that she would receive additional training on the service and report back.
Form 700/Conflict of Interest Filing Obligations - Anne provided an overview of Board members’ Conflict of Interest filing obligations and the Form 700 Assuming Office Statements.
Meeting Minutes – The Board reviewed minutes from the June 2017 Regular Board Meeting. Sean moved to approve the minutes; Kathy seconded the motion; the motion was passed unanimously with Melanie abstaining.
Operations Matters
Operations Update – Anne provided a brief update on school start-up progress.
Approval of Early Transitional Kindergarten Student – The Board discussed the benefits of admitting an Early Transitional Kindergarten student whose 5th birthday is in early December. Marina stated that a meeting was held with the student and family, and Marina stated that the student appears to be socially and academically ready for Kindergarten level work. Sean moved to approve admission of Early TK student; Hazim seconded the motion, the motion was passed unanimously with Melanie abstaining.
Adjourn Meeting - The meeting was adjourned at 7:09pm.