Opening Items
Board Members Present: Kathy Dominguez; Myra Salinas, Melanie Sauer; Amy Dresser Held (telephonic)
Others Present: Anne Lee; Sonia Oliva
Myra Salinas called the meeting to order at 6:16 pm. There was no public comment.
II. Finances
Financial Packet: The Board reviewed the monthly financial packet from ExEd. Melanie moved to approve the monthly financial packet; Kathy seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.
III. Governance and Operations
Director of Operations Report - Anne provided a report on the administration of Alma Fuerte, including enrollment and recruiting, fundraising, and school activities.
Approval of Meeting minutes from March Board Meeting – The Board reviewed the minutes from the March Board meeting. Kathy moved to approve the March meeting minutes; Melanie seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.
Approval of Calendar for 2018-2019 School Year – The Board reviewed a proposed instructional calendar for the 2018-2019 school year. Board members discussed considerations in planning the calendar, including ensuring a longer instructional year and professional development days. Kathy moved to approve the proposed calendar; Melanie seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.
Approval of Homelessness Policy – Anne reviewed with the Board a proposed policy regarding education of homeless students. The Board discussed the proposed policy. Kathy moved to approve the policy; Melanie seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.
IV. Adjourn Meeting – The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.