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August 10, 2017 Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes

I. Opening Items

Board Members Present: Sean Markin, Myra Salinas, Melanie Sauer; Hazim Rabadi

Others Present: Anne Lee

Sean Markin called the meeting to order at 5:58 pm. There was no public comment.

  1. Governance

  2. Annual Board Member Elections – The Board discussed re-election of Board members. Sean moved to recommend the slate of current board members for the next term. Hazim seconded the motion, and the motion was passed unanimously.

  3. Annual Officer Elections – move to keep officers the same; The Board discussed re-election of officers. Sean moved to recommend the slate of current officers for the next term (Sean, Chair; Amy, Vice-Chair; Kathy, Secretary, Melanie, Tresurer). Hazim seconded the motion, and the motion was passed unanimously.

  4. Board Meeting Schedule for 2017-2018 School Year – The Board discussed the meeting schedule for the upcoming school year. Board members stated that the second Thursday of the month 6 is would be ideal. Sean moved to approved this schedule; Melanie seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.

  5. Operations

  6. Approval of Policies - The Board reviewed and discussed the following policies. Sean moved to approve all the following policies except for School Safety Plan; Myra seconded the motion; and the motion passed unanimously:

  7. School Meal Policy

  8. Revised Family-Student Handbook

  9. Revised Comprehensive School Safety Plan

  10. Revised Health and Safety Policies

  11. Revised Uniform Complaint Procedures

  12. Student Technology Use Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement

  13. Educational Records and Student Information Policy

  1. Approval of Contract for Student Transportation Services – The Board discussed a potential contract for student transportation services. Anne and Sean discussed the research they had done on selecting a bussing company among multiple options. The Board discussed a waiver of liability for parents. Hazim moved to approve an interim bus agreement and delegate authority to Anne to finalize agreement with bus company; Sean seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously

Adjourn Meeting - The meeting was adjourned at 6:22pm.

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