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December 14, 2017  Alma Fuerte Public School Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes

I. Opening Items

Board Members Present: Sean Markin, Myra Salinas, Hazim Rabadi, Amy Dresser Held (telephonic)

Others Present: Anne Lee; Meg Palisoc; Sonia Oliva

Sean Markin called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. There was no public comment.

II. Finances

  1. Approval of Closure of Pasadena Service Federal Credit Union Bank Accounts – Anne discussed with the Board closing the original bank accounts (checking and savings) with PSFCU, now that AFPS has an account with California Credit Union. Sean moved to close the checking and savings bank accounts; Hazim seconded the motion. The Board then discussed the closure process to ensure safekeeping of funds during the transfer of funds from the old to the new bank. The Board then voted on the motion and was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.

  1. Review and Approval of 1st Interim Financial Statements for 2017-2018 School/Fiscal Yr. – Sonia from ExEd presented the 1st Interim Financial Statements. The Board discussed ways to boost attendance, including independent study contracts and working with families to reinforce the importance of attendance. Sean moved to approve the 1st Interim Financial Statements; Myra seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote, with Hazim not present for the vote on the agenda item.

  1. Review Financial Dashboards; Income Statements from October and November 2017–

The Board next reviewed the financials presented by ExEd for October and November. Multiple budget line items were discussed, including options for student transportation. Sean moved to approve the financial statements from October and November; Myra seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.

III. Governance and Operations

  1. Approval of Meeting minutes from September, October and November Meetings – The Board reviewed the minutes from the September, October, and November 2017 Board meetings. A change was noted in the October minutes to reflect Amy’s attendance telephonically. Sean moved to approve the three sets of minutes, with the October minutes as amended; Myra seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.

  1. Approval of Revised SELPA Participation Agreement – Anne presented a revised SELPA Participation Agreement issued by the El Dorado SELPA. Anne reviewed the changes to the Agreement, which were primarily the addition of language to better reflect the mission of the SELPA and school partnerships. The Board then discussed options for receiving additional special education funding and Anne stated that she would investigate these possibilities. Hazim moved to approve to revised Agreement; Sean seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously.

  2. Operations and Administrative Update – Meg reflected on her time spent at AFPS and the school’s current needs. The Board discussed possibilities for interim academic leadership while the search for a permanent Academic Director is underway.

  1. Review Local Indicators for State Accountability Dashboard – Anne reviewed with the Board AFPS’ Local Indicators for the new state accountability dashboard.

  2. Discussion and Action on Adoption of Social Studies Curriculum – Anne presented to the Board regarding AFPS’ current social studies curriculum. She explained that over the summer the teachers and Academic Director reviewed the curriculum selected in the charter petition (History Alive! and Social Studies Alive!) and that after review, the academic team decided that it fell short of fully aligning to the California state standards. Anne stated that after research on alternative social studies curricula, the academic team believed that HMH Social Studies California better aligned with the state Social Studies standards and selected that curriculum on an interim basis for the 2017-2018 school year. Anne also reported on her communications with LACOE on the topic and the guidance she received from LACOE staff regarding the curriculum adoption. The Board discussed the curriculum issue and noted the recent state Social Studies textbook adoption. Board members expressed that for the 2018-2019 school year and going forward, the academic team should select curriculum after researching other schools’ curricula and giving consideration to AFPS’ project based learning and blended learning focus. Sean then moved to approve HMH Social Studies California for 2017-2018 as AFPS’ Social Studies curriculum; Hazim seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.

IV. Facilities – Anne provided an update on AFPS’ Prop. 39 Application.

V. Closed Session: The Board convened a closed session at 8:15 pm to discuss: Public Employee Evaluation: Director of Operations (Government Code §54957)

The Board then adjourned into Open Session at 8:49 pm and noted that no action had been taken in closed session. The Board meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m.

APPROVED: January 11, 2018

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