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October 12, 2017 Alma Fuerte Public School Board of Directors Board Meeting Minutes

Opening Items

Board Members Present: Sean Markin, Kathy Dominguez, Myra Salinas, Hazim Rabadi, Amy Dresser Held (telephonic)

Others Present: Anne Lee; Sonia Oliva (ExEd)

Sean Markin called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm. There was no public comment.

II. Finances

  1. Acknowledgement of Receipt of NewSchools Venture Fund (NSVF) Grant - Sean acknowledged the $275,000 grant award from NSVF. Board members expressed their gratitude and formal acceptance of the grant.

  2. Financial Update - Review Financial Dashboards; Income Statements - Sonia presented financial statements from August and the Board reviewed the financial statements. Sean moved to approve the financial statements for August. Myra seconded the motion, and the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.

Amy Dresser Held joined meeting telephonically during the financial update.

  1. Approval of Consolidated Application – The Board reviewed the proposed Consolidated Application presented by Sonia. Sean moved to approve the Consolidated Application; Hazim seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.

III. Facilities – Anne provided an update on the Prop. 39 application process for continued used of current facility.

IV. Governance

  1. Discussion and Possible Action regarding NSVF Grant Agreement Requirements - The Board discussed the requirements under the NSVF Grant Agreement.

  1. Discussion and Possible Action to Create Board Committees: The Board investigated creation of the following committees:

  2. Community Committee and Student recruitment committee (Sean was suggested as lead)

  3. Academics, including school leadership evaluation and review of academic data (Myra was suggested as lead)

  4. Operations, including finance, facilities and fundraising (Melanie was suggested as lead)

V. Closed Session:

The Board convened a closed session at 7:15 to discuss:

Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (Government Code §54957) and Public Employee Evaluation: Director of Operations (Government Code §54957)

VI. Adjourn into Open Session

The Board adjourned into open session at 8:30pm and reported that they voted in closed session to ratify agreement regarding the conclusion of employment of Director of Academics.

Discussion and Possible Action on Contract for Interim Academic Support & Leadership – The Board discussed interim academic support and leadership. The Board directed Anne to secure interim academic leadership for a period of up to three (3) months, not to exceed $7,500 per month.

VII. Adjourn Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35.

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