Alma Fuerte Public School Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Zoom Details:
Meeting ID: 927 2662 7361 Password: d4Y82f
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests - Myra Salinas, Laurilie Key, Adriani Leon, Melanie Sauer, Hazim Rabadi, Amy Held, Yolanda Gutierrez, Samira Estilai, Anne Lee
Call the Meeting to Order - The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm.
Oral Communications from the Public - No public Comment
II. Director’s Report
Continuity of Education - Online learning as well as materials at home for students. Taking attendance and checking engagement. Instruction with teachers 8:30 - 10:30. PE and STEAM offered every week. Paras to do some fun activities with students. Virtual IEP meetings. Postpone IEP evaluation until school comes back to the school site. Special education services are being offered virtually.
Staff Expectations - Provided to staff during school closure. Documentation of instruction and student engagement. Staff meetings weekly. Staff is paid 100%.
Prop 39 - Got offer from PUSD.
Intent to Return - Receiving intent to return for students.
Enrollment - Re-focusing on recruitment next week. Have 30 applications.
Parent Engagement - Parent “tea” with director.
III. Approval of Minutes (2/24/20, 3/14/2020) - Hazim moved to approve minutes for 02/24/2020 and 03/14/2020; Anne seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.
IV. Approval of March Financials - Yolanda presented the March Financials. Amy moved to approve the March Financials; Hazim seconded the motion; the motion was approved unanimously after a roll call vote.
V. Approval of Calendar - Approval for calendar will be deferred to May board meeting.
VI. Adjourn Meeting - Meeting was adjourned at 7:31pm.