Adriani Leon
3 min read
Distance Learning Week 4: We Got This!
We have been Distance Learning for almost a month! We have learned so much! Thank you to everyone for working so hard to make this work....
1 min read
Lunch Menu for the week of 8/31
GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT! Well, not really but get it safely prepared and prepackaged for your student's enjoyment! Pickup days are Mondays...
1 min read
TEA WITH KEAY! Today at 5p!
Don't miss out on Tea with Keay! See what's new with our Alma Fuerte Public School soaring eagles and what to expect for the upcoming...
1 min read
Breakfast and Lunch TO GO
Check out Alma Fuerte Public School's past and current week's breakfast and lunch menu! Pick up windows are on Mondays from 2-4p and...
Adriani Leon
3 min read
Important Information for New Families - Informacion importante para familias nuevas
Para Español, navega hasta abajo! Hello! We are so excited that you have chosen Alma Fuerte to be part of your child's educational...
Adriani Leon
2 min read
Teacher Assignments!
Last week during Tea with Keay, we announced that our teachers will be looping with their students in order to help students grow with...
Adriani Leon
2 min read
¿Cómo se ha preparado Alma Fuerte para COVID-19 y la educación a distancia?
Durante la primera semana y media de los cierres de COVID19, como otras escuelas, esperábamos regresar a lo “normal,” después de las...
Ms. Krabbendam
3 min read
Community and Meaningful Learning: A Story of Connection, Learning, and Love in a Time of Separation
The ability to stay so connected and show our students how much we care, has made all the difference.
Adriani Leon
1 min read
Alma Fuerte Parent Check In
Here are the slides from our Parent Check-In. Please email us if you have any questions!
Adriani Leon
1 min read
Homework, Chromebooks, and Refunds!
Hello Fuerte Family, If you were not able pickup HW packets earlier this week, Miss Kam will be on campus tomorrow (Friday) from 9-12pm....